Donkeys and elephants and students -- oh my!
By Keely Latcham | November 6, 2007With Election Day upon us and a mere 12 months until we cast votes in the 2008 presidential election, political activism on Grounds is in full swing.
With Election Day upon us and a mere 12 months until we cast votes in the 2008 presidential election, political activism on Grounds is in full swing.
Student: Sam Bulasky Class: SPAN 101 "Family Matters" character: What? Attentiveness: 1 Enthusiasm: 1 Hotness: I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on a student's physical appearance, but if I had to, I would say 1. Overall score: 1 Professor's Comments: When he wasn't snoozing in class, Sam pretended to take notes on his laptop.
The dark labyrinth of the bottom floor of Culbreth Theatre winds past a wall of long, flowing, black curtains and past a set of double doors, ending in a dimly lit narrow corridor that stops abruptly at yet another set of doors through which it all begins.
This Halloween weekend, rather than dressing in an absolutely scary costume like Frankenstein or Richard Nixon, I was a condom fairy, which meant I donned wings and handed out free condoms to partiers.
The dream is over. My final collegiate Halloween has come and gone. My fantasies of outlandish costumes have gone out the window faster than Michael Jackson's children.
C alendars, clocks, watches or cell phones are not needed to tell what day of the week it is. One only needs to pay attention to the casual chatter heard around Grounds: By recognizing the cookie-cutter conversation pieces, one can easily pick out what day of the week it is.
I knew something was wrong with me when I realized I had gone emo. I don't recall how it happened, but I found myself lying on the floor, spread-eagle and in the dark, listening to (gasp!
Sasheer Moore, a fourth-year College student, said she never gave much thought to theater before college. "In high school, I never really did theater," Moore said.
Doctors and nurses are in and out of the room, white coats and ID badges whizzing by. Machines whir as those in the room glance worriedly at the displayed graph.
I realize I wrote my fall fashion column at the end of September, full of delightful combinations of trendy tights and boots.
Eventually, you have to leave. Graduate, I mean. People tell you this, occasionally, as though it helps.
As a kid, my parents used to take me on day trips to places within a couple hours drive of the Washington, D.C.
Dow's Fine Tawny Porto Price: $12.99 Grade: A- In 1703, two English merchants, while traversing the countryside of Northern Portugal, came upon a ramshackle monastery.
Perhaps the least believable part of University alumnus Paul Bibeau's new book about Dracula is that it was his wife's idea to spend part of their honeymoon at the famous vampire's real castle.
This is our country. This is our truck," my television repeats for the 4,742nd time. Apparently, I forgot to switch channels during the commercial break and have subjected myself to yet another Chevy commercial.
The elevator doors open and you face rows and rows of shelves filled with books and the heavy air of silence.The squeak of your shoes and the small sounds of your breathing disturb the quiet, until you hear a creaking door open behind you.
"The whole world is learning Chinese, Confucius's words are spreading internationally, The whole world is speaking Chinese, Our language makes the world listen up." Pop music isn't often a source of academic enlightenment, but one could gain a valuable lesson in international relations from a Taiwanese girl group. S.H.E.'s latest single, "Zhong Guo Hua (Chinese Language)," celebrates the growing popularity of Mandarin Chinese, the most widely-spoken native language in the world. China's rise on the world stage, in part due to its booming economy and the upcoming Beijing Olympics, has captivated students across the globe.
Every few thousand years, a great challenge is born, one that stirs individuals to action, forces them to choose right from wrong, and provides them with something to fight for besides who gets the last Cheeto.
The world of dating is very much an environment of uncertainty for the young college male and is made even more mind boggling by the hazy feedback that most girls give in response to basic preferences in courting rituals.
Eight years old, life is simple. I eat cereal for breakfast, wear clothes my mother picks out, and my Sega Genesis is working out just fine for me.