By Nicole Ponticorvo
January 26, 2007
With an undergraduate University community totaling about 13,000, it seems quite easy for a student to become lost in the crowd.
One possibility to defend oneself from anonymity is to attend the "office hour" -- a term that has been ingrained in all University students upon their entrance into college life.
While most professors and TAs encourage their students to take advantage of office hours on some level -- for questions, concerns or just personal interaction beyond the classroom -- many students never show.
Whether students feel as though they are imposing with unimportant concerns or too nervous or intimidated to approach their distinguished professors, it's necessary to ponder just what a student is missing in doing so.
"I've had a really positive experience with office hours," said first-year College student Courtney Mallow, who went to all her professors' office hours at least once last semester.