By AJ Aronstein
November 29, 2005
It's crunch time.
The foreboding cloud of black doom hangs perilously on the horizon as before an impending thunderstorm of dismay on a hot and humid August day of deadly hellish heat.
Skies will clear in the afternoon, with gentle winds freshening out of the north, sunny skies, and a 90 percent chance of PAIN.
There's nothing like returning from a relaxing week of tryptophan-induced Thanksgiving slumber to discover the next week will be the single most horrendous of my academic career.
That's a record 17 years in the making.
Not to mention the fact that the Lighting of the Lawn is Thursday, and I have a giant ridiculous snowman costume to make and lots of drinking to do between now and then.
But after that, I'll pop in my Charlie Brown Christmas CD and then pop about forty Adderrall, pack a duffel bag and move into Clemons for however long it takes.
The time between Thanksgiving and Winter Break should be a time of rejoicing, celebration, cheer, family, friends, dancing and wine.
Instead, I'll get a nose-full of "Clemons-Smell" at 4 o'clock in the morning for a week straight.
What IS that smell?