By Lytle Wurtzel
January 20, 2003
When I woke up last week and
rolled lazily over to face the window, all I could see was blue sky and palm trees.
Another beautiful Florida morning.
My options were boundless: a quick drive over to the beach, a dip in the pool, a long run outside as the warm day unfolded.
Or I could board a plane at noon bound for a trip to New York, where a nor'easter had dropped 18 inches of snow just days before.
I could forsake Florida's warm weather and Southern hospitality in favor of a snowy city swarming with yellow cabs and impatient commuters.
And while New York affords gourmet restaurants, unparalleled shopping and more jobs than my suburban hometown, it was a struggle to make the choice that morning.
As I finally decided to board the plane (my $280 ticket weighing heavily into that decision), I felt like Regis Philbin was demanding in my ear, "Is that your final answer?"
The older we get, which at this point is not even very old, the more we start to think about where we want to end up after college.