The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



'Energizer' runners just keep going and going and going

As a lazy child, you watched your father sternly shake his finger at you and bellow, "Son, you are just standing here as the world passes you by!" Now that you have matured, removed yourself from the path of that shaking finger and made it to college, this admonition still may apply.


Odds and Ends

'One' performance 'Four' you You've seen the flyers. You've heard the name. You're wondering, "Who is 'One-in-Four' and what do they do?" In order to answer this question and much more, the all male group One-in-Four will be presenting their program in the Rotunda Dome Room Friday at noon. Normally, One-in-Four only performs for all-male groups.


WTJU radio station signing on at Lambeth

Something new has landed in the Lambeth residence area. And it's not just the latest wave of students. WTJU, a University-owned radio station broadcast on 91.1 FM, has moved its headquarters from Peabody Hall to Lambeth Commons, and in the process, it has acquired a swankier studio. "The old studio was wall-to-wall with albums.


Odds and Ends

Hoop dreams Ever had the chance to see one of your professors scurrying around a basketball court in shorts and sneakers?


Over the river and through the woods

Driving down Route 29, the Blue Ridge Mountains seem to call out to Ashley Meeks every time she returns to Charlottesville. "I want to get out there," she often says to herself. Like many University students and area residents, the fourth-year College student is captivated by some of Albemarle County's most well-known landmarks.


Sky high

Enter through the Scott Stadium doorway labeled Bryant Hall in bronze letters and expect to find a conventional football stadium.


Odds and Ends

Jolting U.Va. students into organization Have no fear, jolted first-years: The Daily Jolt is here. Every aspect of the University experience, social and academic, is intense. And your first year, even trying to find everything you need -- from location of classes to a specific Greek-lettered building down Rugby -- can be painstakingly difficult. The University "Daily Jolt" is a new Web site designed to help University students with everything from eating out to scheduling classes on time, said second-year Engineering student John Mell, one of the two designers of the Web site. Related Links The Daily Jolt @ UVA &nbsp The site comes complete with a discussion forum on University issues, a marketplace similar to the auctioning behemoth eBay, a listing of movies and TV shows relevant to college students, and an abundance of important University links, including ISIS and the Course Offering Directory. To produce the Web site, Mell and a friend, second-year Engineering student Jason Kearns, had to put in a lot of time over the summer. "Instead of working on my summer job, I did this," Mell said. "The Daily Jolt" is a network of collegiate Web sites designed to provide students with a compilation of convenient, useful links.


When others say don't go

Imagine yourself laid out on the white sand beach of a tropical island -- palm trees rustling around you while you alternate between sipping on the rum and coke in your left hand and chewing on the world-class cigar in your right.


Good phone service = long distance 'Sprint'

Residential phone service. It seems so simple. Run a line here, flip a switch there and voila!. But at the beginning of the school year, when Charlottesville teems with thousands of students, hooking up efficient phone service isn't so simple -- especially when there's only one residential phone company in town. Sprint, the dominant provider in Charlottesville, faces a glut of service requests at the beginning of the year, and as the requests pile up, so do the complaints. Students living off Grounds moan about delayed or forgotten service appointments as well as being put on hold for too long. Like Jody Flipper.


When Irish eyes are smiling

Two weeks after living like a celebrity in Ireland, Alison Cunnane leans back in a chair in Alderman Cafe, speaks modestly and describes what she calls the "calm-me-down process." She's back in Virginia now, settling into her classes and juggling her many extra-curricular activities, but her thoughts are still in Ireland, where she spent 12 days this summer getting back to her Irish roots. This summer, Cunnane was a Rose. A third-year history major from Baltimore, Cunnane represented the Washington, D.C.


Odds and Ends

Why 'Pi Groove'? For those of you who want to feed your social appetite, but also want to feed your soul, Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity has the party for you. This Saturday night starting at 9:30 p.m., three bands will kick off the fraternity's first annual night of charity - "Pi Groove" - benefiting the U.Va.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.