RUSSO: Institute co-ed living
By Mary Russo | December 5, 2014Likewise, I can assume the men living in my dorm did not know what it was like to be a woman at the University, and the challenges we face.
Likewise, I can assume the men living in my dorm did not know what it was like to be a woman at the University, and the challenges we face.
We believe that the self-governance of the University and the joint effort of the students and faculty can accomplish many amazing goals. However, proper treatment of sexual assault reports is not one of them.
Access to higher education for immigrants has been increasing, but many barriers remain.
When you re-victimize a survivor, you trigger them and cause them to relive the assault and the pain that comes with it. Many of us fear these questions that our society deem acceptable and choose not to report to protect ourselves.
It seems that TFA is a valuable tool for recruiting some of America’s most talented college students and encouraging them to work in incredibly important professions.
Given that the United States holds the record by far for the largest amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere historically, it is imperative for the United States to commit to bold action to spur ambition from countries around the world leading up to the Paris agreement.
But the most pernicious result of marginalia is that it adulterates mine and others’ interpretations.
The decrease in child care access, though small, could in turn decrease access to higher education, particularly for women with young children.
Most of the conversation has revolved around what kind of person is a member of a fraternity, but I think most of that discussion is unproductive and polarizing.
Almost all of us can say that our ancestors came to the United States from a different country, that they did not initially speak English and that they worked incredibly hard to provide for their families and to contribute to their communities.
The gray area of this issue — the confusion between what is or is not necessary force — could be resolved first by requiring all police departments to use body cameras on their officers.
A zero-tolerance policy would mean that any group, be it a fraternity or other organization on Grounds, with repeated sexual misconduct offenses would immediately be kicked off Grounds.
Monday’s address indicates Sullivan has no intention of remaining passive, that she has already started to work on this issue, and that she is taking care to consult the major stakeholders in the process of making changes.
A policy that would allow students to receive meaningful feedback on final exams would realize the original Jeffersonian ideals of lifelong learning and critical thinking.
The problem is that in all the hubbub over fiscal austerity and budget deficits and Arma-greed-on, this idea can get lost.
The best policy the Board of Visitors can adopt is twofold: zero-tolerance against offenders, and 100 percent commitment to helping the survivors regain their strength.
And this tendency to separate the black community administratively can affect perceptions of student race-relations; because there’s no facilitated, sustained dialogue on the subject, the administration and student body both tend to discuss the issue reactively, if and when racially-motivated acts occur.
When people advocate for cultural shifts instead of changes in policy (or, worse, instead of punishing the guilty) they exchange action for concept, and through inaction, feed the culture they intend to kill.
Vandalism, rioting, and other recent demonstrations unnecessarily threaten the safety, both mentally and physically, of innocent people.
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