The traditions we change
By Managing Board | November 25, 2014But mandating expulsion as the only punishment at the University is not a logical solution. Such a system may make survivors even less likely to come forward.
But mandating expulsion as the only punishment at the University is not a logical solution. Such a system may make survivors even less likely to come forward.
It seems most likely to be Mr. Brown’s role in this community — as a contracted worker who cleaned our facilities — that denies him our community’s attention.
As long as states remain unwilling to reorient funding towards community colleges, private donors should attempt to pick up the slack.
While the goal of the dorm is, according to Timko, to give first-year honors students the chance to live with like-minded people, this can also funnel students into the same extracurricular activities despite whatever independent interests they may have.
Because we want change immediately, it is tempting to pinpoint a single figure as the cause of violence and fight to tear it down. But such an approach is self-defeating.
A community that will crumple under criticism is no community worth taking pride in.
The Cavalier Daily was simply doing a better job of working the story than anyone else. The articles they ran were informative, concisely written and above all, timely.
While the ISC's name does not overtly appear on many first semester events meant to educate and increase awareness among first-years about the risk of sexual assault, we still play an active role in these events.
We want to reshape this community into one we can be proud of again, but this will not be possible if people are resorting to vandalism as a response to this incident.
There is no easy solution. This will not be solved overnight. Yet, if we come together, we can improve our community’s treatment and awareness of this issue.
Frankly speaking, the desks currently being used in large lecture halls like Wilson and Chem 402 provide inadequate space for students to learn and test.
While it may have been a cute idea to put a Jefferson quote in the lobby of each gymnasium, the words irresponsibly advocate that a true Virginia student should “do it all,” rather than encouraging moderation.
A survivor's decision not to report must always be respected, but we hope a survivor is not discouraged from reporting because of any mistrust and demonization of the University which results from sweeping negative portrayals such as this one.
We should be wary of potentially sacrificing quality of leadership for age diversity.
So we see the problem is not a lack of effort from the student body, but rather a lack of response from the administration, an area where Erdely and I agree.
I wasn’t known as a garbage girl until my personality and myriad questionable personal habits were juxtaposed with that of the world’s cleanest boy.
Imagine a hellscape in which the rigid borders of open suitcases lie like vipers under a quilt of laundry.
We cannot help asking the question: would Sage Smith still be missing if she were a white cis-gendered University student?
Because the mainstream left has failed to provide a coherent narrative of the crisis and a real alternative path forward, the confused and overwhelmed white working class is naturally drawn to the cohesive narratives propagated by figures like Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck.
In other words, the values driving many Democratic policy makers to favor a strong mitigative and adaptive response to climate threats clash with those of their Republican counterparts.