BERNSTEIN: Politically motivated
By Dani Bernstein | April 29, 2014Supreme Court justices should not utilize their personal biases to justify decisions
Supreme Court justices should not utilize their personal biases to justify decisions
Medical professionals should focus on improving their ability to socialize with patients
To assess programs based on their graduates’ employment and satisfaction would be an effective way of identifying weaknesses, but examining new teachers’ students’ test scores would likely not give an accurate picture.
One of the reasons I don’t think bias is a problem in the news writing at The Cavalier Daily is that there is quite a lot of effective reporting across a huge range of topics.
Something essential will be lost when Stephen Colbert leaves “The Colbert Report” to host the “Late Show”
If cumulative final exams are something universities simply cannot get rid of, then I propose changing the schedule and perhaps staggering the ends of classes and the final exams, so that students can dedicate a sufficient amount of time to each and not feel as if their minds are forced to focus on too many topics at once.
I would hope that from my example, that there would be a thorough investigation on the University’s part to look at the facts before jumping to a decision that could potentially impact a student’s life in negative ways.
Students should attempt to recognize and appreciate the differing perspectives of their teachers
The managing board looks at the highlights of April, in numbers
The Cavalier Education program is a valuable and worthwhile experience for both students and student-teachers
The Boston Marathon would have run just as smoothly without the overly strict regulations implemented this year
As human beings, there is no reason to treat people with mental health disorders differently than we treat people with physical disorders. Universities, when thinking about the services they provide, need to be in accordance with this mindset.
Mental health issues also affect college students who are comfortable with who they are, who cope well with stress and who manage the new social and intellectual challenges of campus life.
The most worthy part of ADAPT’s mission, in my eyes, is one of social norms. We have the ability to present our peers with data and show them how the majority of the people around them are behaving.
Part of what PHEs do is spread awareness and understanding to the student body — we are trying to start a dialogue, one that can help students feel empowered to make their own health decisions.
Universities should engage with those who hold bigoted or offensive views, rather than protect students from them
The University should make a greater effort to help disabled students find employment after graduation
Fundamental changes should be made to the Board of Visitors selection process
The Office of the Dean of Students was right to revoke FOAs for fraternities who conducted hazing activities
Because preferences of elites and average voters sometimes line up, the bias of the political process towards the rich is often masked, but given a divergence in opinion across the income distribution, elites win the debate with precious few exceptions.