A fragile balance
By George Wang | November 23, 2010Kim Jong Un's confirmation as Kim Jong Il's successor in North Korea has created a new set of problems for the United States.
Kim Jong Un's confirmation as Kim Jong Il's successor in North Korea has created a new set of problems for the United States.
As Thanksgiving approaches and students begin a mass exodus from Charlottesville that rivals its Biblical counterpart, we all begin to look forward to visiting family members, watching unhealthy amounts of football and eating even more unhealthy amounts of home-cooked food. As many of us do not have the luxury of living within driving distance of the University, hundreds of students must resort to air travel to get home this week.
The honor systems at the College of William & Mary and the University have a number of similarities, including the fact that both have come under some heat during recent years for either procedural issues or unclear terminology in the bylaws.
I am writing in response to two Opinion columns in the Nov. 19 edition of The Cavalier Daily. The columns, "Early action: a step back" and "Early admission redux," both pertain to the recent decision by the Office of Undergraduate Admission to offer an early action plan for prospective students in 2011. For the past six months, the Admission Office has been studying the possible impact this decision could have on high school students, particularly low-income and minority students.
Context is important. Maybe I missed something, but there seemed to be a lot of context missing from "Pitching the budget," a story about the University's athletic budget that ran in The Cavalier Daily last Friday. Some of the information in the story was interesting.
America's debate about gay marriage is utterly misconceived on both sides because few institutions are as misunderstood as marriage.
Last week, the University celebrated International Education Week to demonstrate the its commitment to creating global opportunities for students.
During the past several weeks, momentum has picked up on Grounds in support of the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act - or DREAM Act.
President Barack Obama's parents, Ann Dunham and Barack Obama, Sr., married in Hawaii in 1961. Their marriage was atypical for the times, as Dunham was white and Obama was black.
The war on Terror has been the justification for a litany of government abuses and invasions of privacy.
The University ended its binding early decision admissions program September 2006 following national controversy that early admissions programs favor economically advantaged students.
"I have been involved in recent months with a national task force on low-income students, and there is little doubt that early admission programs put low-income students at a significant disadvantage in the process.
The University announced Tuesday that it is making one small effort to reduce the headaches associated with the notoriously frustrating financial aid process.
For anyone at the University, it is hard not to notice the vibrant collection of student-led activist groups working to advance progressive causes.
Early last year Glenn Beck stated that people do not realize "how much money we're printing at the Federal Reserve." Huh?
Sometimes it is about race. The topic is impossible to cover in a column that is less than half a page, so some legitimate points will be omitted due to length restrictions.
After eliminating early decision from the undergraduate admissions process in 2006, President Teresa A.