A litany of abuses
By Isaac Wood | January 20, 2009IN 1983, the University athletic department debuted the ?Hoo.
IN 1983, the University athletic department debuted the ?Hoo.
THE ISRAELI Defense Force?s Operation Cast Lead lasted three weeks.
ONE OF the most important questions of modernity is the same one asked for centuries: Where is peace in the Middle East?
THE VIRGINIA General Assembly convened for the first time this year on Jan.
MUCH HAS been made of the excitement surrounding Barack Obama?s presidential inauguration this approaching Tuesday.
WOULD it make sense for Student Council?s budget to be approved by a referendum of the entire student body?
IT?S A NEW year, a new semester and, in less than a week, a new presidential administration will take office.
SEVEN YEARS ago, President-elect Obama vilified the Iraq war as the kind of dumb, rash war he would oppose.
ALTHOUGH the price of gas has plummeted to its lowest level in years after spiking in the summer, the industrialized world?s dependence on fossil fuels is still a major obstacle in the face of combating climate change.
STUDENT COUNCIL recently submitted a proposal to the University?s Parking and Transportation Committee to implement free late-night parking in the Central Grounds Parking Garage next to Newcomb Hall.
THE KALEIDOSCOPE Center for Cultural Fluency was born out of an effort headed by Minority Rights Coalition (MRC) leaders to facilitate cross-cultural dialogue.
BY NOW, you have probably gotten the declinist memo: the United States? arrogance has led to its decline.
IN THE last few weeks, President-elect Barack Obama has begun to select those officials who will make up his cabinet and serve as his chief advisors.
ON NOV. 4, California saw the passage of Proposition 8, which amended the state constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, by a narrow margin.
A NEW ADMINISTRATION in Washington always brings with it speculation about what policy changes will come to our society, and near the top of everyone?s list of priorities lies health care reform.
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SOMEONE once told me that the purpose of the corrections newspapers print isn?t so much to fix what was wrong in yesterday?s edition, but to point out that everything else in there was right.
ON THANKSGIVING Day, I was relaxing on the couch channel surfing when I happened upon a Christmas classic, ?Miracle on 34th Street,? on the Turner Classic Movie channel.
THANKSGIVING: the all-American holiday where we gorge ourselves to the point of near-stomach-rupture and Mom and Dad have always let you try just a little bit of the champagne.
AS AN involved college undergraduate, I know that being a student does not just require going to class and studying as an attempt to keep good grades, but also being involved in the community.