By Lindsay Huggins
November 12, 2007
WHEN A discussion is entitled "Abortion: A Woman's Perspective," many would expect a talk highlighting both sides of the abortion debate to clarify a "woman's perspective." But because Hoos for Life hosted last Wednesday's discussion on this topic it was, as expected?, biased.
The discussion, which featured a post-abortive woman and a practicing physician, seemed to focus on the question: "Is abortion good for women?" The flaw in choosing this focus for the discussion is that not many individuals, even abortion proponents, actually believe abortion is "good." Until pro-lifers realize the issue of abortion is a matter of choice and not a matter of good and evil, these discussions will only continue to polarize both sides of the debate.
The discussion opened with a woman describing her personal experience with abortion, which she described as the "murder of [her] own baby." She had been raped while engaged to her current husband and chose to abort the pregnancy because of the unknown paternity of her child.