Ghettopoly: Tasteless, not racist
By Kimberly Liu | October 20, 2003THIS ISN'T your childhood Monopoly game. The top hat, the shoe and the iron have been replaced by a pimp, a marijuana leaf and a crack rock.
THIS ISN'T your childhood Monopoly game. The top hat, the shoe and the iron have been replaced by a pimp, a marijuana leaf and a crack rock.
LET'S GET one thing straight: Michael Newdow, the father of a grade schooler in California who recently brought a lawsuit against the state of California for forcing his daughter to recite the pledge of allegiance, is probably a kook.
ONE OF the trickiest parts of reporting is assembling a bevy of information into an article that just plain makes sense.
IF THIS was an ITC lab, this page would cost you ten cents to print. Originally the pay-to-print plan seemed necessary to save us from the ever-looming budget crisis.
For many, it is common practice these days to claim that gender inequality is a historical phenomenon.
The University's medical program, ranked 27th among the top medical schools for research by U.S. News & World Report, has recently decided to switch to a pass/fail grading system for medical students in their first and second years.
Zip zip zip. Ruffle ruffle. Squeak. Onomatopoeia helps recreate the sounds of every class at 48 or 13 minutes past the hour.
MY FAVORITE bumper sticker on my car reads like this: "The media is only as liberal as the conservative businesses that own them." Some would complain that it's too verbose for a bumper sticker, but I would argue the point is so significant it warrants breaking from the traditional epigram format.
DRUNK driving is one of those sobering topics that is difficult to be taken lightly. Most college students know at least someone who has a problem with habitually driving under the influence, frequently a high school acquaintance, while an even more pitiable cohort may know of a friend who has been involved in an accident where alcohol was involved.
IN RETROSPECT, is there anything funnier than your University orientation session? I dare any student on Grounds to keep a straight face when comparing the information he received prior to the start of classes with the reality of the experience of attending the University.
NOW THAT we know the Republicans have stolen yet another election and put the Grope-inator in charge of the world's 5th largest economy, America will turn it's attention away from the Golden State and center it on the 2004 presidential election.
IT'S ALL Arnold. After weeks and months of campaign feeding frenzies, the likeness of the Austrian-born mega-celebrity has been burned into the retina of the nation's media enterprise.
THE WHITE House is up for grabs. This is what many of the Democratic candidates for the 2004 presidential election will try to convince the people of the United States.
THIS PAST week was a good one for the Redskins. Seriously. Of course, this statement may seem ridiculous to anyone who witnessed Sunday's heartbreaker in Philadelphia, but it's true.
LAST WEEK, Washington erupted in scandal as the Justice Department began investigating accusations that senior White House officials illegally revealed the identity of an undercover CIA officer.
AS THE leaves begin to change color and the weather gets colder, one realizes that fall is unmistakably rolling in.
MORE than a century after America abolished what was euphemistically known as "the peculiar institution," our elite colleges and universities have created some peculiar institutions of their own.
WELL, IT'S Wednesday. By this time, Arnold may or may not be the governor of California. I am not a Californian and don't really have any vested interest in the recall election.
OVER THE past forty years, America as a whole has made great strides in race relations. Things aren't perfect, but they are certainly remarkably better than the days of Jim Crow and "separate but equal." The country, though, is at a crossroads.
IS COLLEGE cheaper than we think? As poor, struggling college students in a recessionary economy, it's safe to say that college costs far surpass any of our wildest dreams.