Successful new year hinges on confidence, strengthening columnists' arguments
By Brent Garland | January 29, 2001The 111th: This week was the last official week of the 111th Managing Board of The Cavalier Daily.
The 111th: This week was the last official week of the 111th Managing Board of The Cavalier Daily.
PRIORITY seating. When I wrote about this issue early last semester, it was in reference to the academic arena.
NEXT TO NOTHING can overcome the sheer beauty and elegance of the market system. Student Council, unfortunately, would strip the market of its fancy clothes, leaving it naked, exposed and undignified.
SIMPLY put, I hate the Republican Party. No matter how well Bush's administration does in the next four years, I will always find Dubya a little slow, and Vice President Dick Cheney a little fat.
NO NEW opinion this week. In place of your regularly scheduled programming, we'll be presenting reruns of "The W.
THE BUSH administration, version 2.0, is full of interesting contradictions. George W. Bush lost the popular vote, but he ended up getting into office.
OUR NEW president has an aggressive agenda for his first days in office, but so far his major announcements have been in the area of domestic affairs.
THE FREE, sober and earnest pursuit of truth is one of the fundamental objectives of any academic institution, and should be a goal of any thinking person.
IN THE wake of the election crisis, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has introduced his campaign finance bill again, daring President George W.
BEFORE we begin, let me just take my hat off to both sides in this debate. Over the past weeks, the University community has been privilege to some of the most clever fliers ever posted on Grounds.
HOW YOU do something is just as important as what you do. Recent events in American politics, particularly the closest presidential election in history, suggest that Americans are more divided and agnostic than ever about whether to consider themselves Democrats or Republicans, whether they favor a liberal or conservative outlook.
IN HIS inaugural address, President George W. Bush called on American citizens to accept personal responsibility for their actions.
CASEY Martin's efforts to obtain the use of a cart while playing in professional golf tournaments made their way to the United States Supreme Court last week.
LAST WEEK, the most mortifying experience of my life finally happened. I caught the bus and was forced to stand up due to its usual overcrowdedness.
YEARS from now, when my children ask me what I thought about Bill Clinton, I'll say that I agreed with his impeachment and was disappointed, though not surprised, that he remained in office.
ON SATURDAY morning I had a revelation. I'm sitting in my room, minding my own business and absorbed in the inaugural speech of our newest president, when out of the blue, I was blindsided by this reference to scripture: "When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho," said President Bush on the steps of the Capitol, "we will not pass to the other side." This noble quote was a surprising change to the humdrum of inaugural prose. Why then, did I fidget in my seat uncomfortably and look away from the television?
WARNING - This is an academic argument that may offend you. Proceed at your own risk. Elitism is the notion that some people are more valuable than others, that some cultures have contributed more to the growth of humanity than others, that some contributions to literature, art, philosophy or science are better than others.
AS THE Cavalier Daily resumes publication in the new year, I would like to take this opportunity to review some aspects of the paper's performance from last semester.
RUSH IS for the mainstream. Rush is for people who dress a certain way or are a certain skin color.
ALTHOUGH many try, few universities legitimately can consider themselves "public Ivies." The University certainly is one of them, if not the original.