The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Returning to a common love of college experiences

ALUMNI love this place. They're itching to come back here whenever they can, and when you meet alumni outside of Charlottesville, they're always eager to talk about this school, the years that they spent here, and how it has or hasn't changed since they graduated.


An education is yours for the taking

THIS IS the hardest university in America. Or the easiest. Or somewhere in between. It all depends on you. Enrolling at this University means you've opened a door, a door that can lead to places and experiences you've not yet imagined.


Getting ahead, falling behind

HIGH SCHOOL has never been so appealing, it seems. More and more students are choosing to stay in high school longer than they have to, taking what's called a "post-graduate year." This trend demands that we take a closer look at how we prepare students for college, and why an increasing number of students resort to a fifth year. Post-graduate programs, which allow high school graduates to take a fifth year of high school before going to college, have been in place at a few schools -- mostly private New England prep schools -- for several decades.


From behind Senate doors

WHEN I tell people I'm interning for my Senator this summer, I generally get two responses. First, they say that it's a great opportunity and that I must have worked very hard to get it.


Advice for the rest of us

IT'S ALMOST upon us. Twice a year, in our summer mail-out issue and then once again in the Orientation Issue, The Cavalier Daily Opinion page offers numerous columns providing advice to those naïve first-years who might not yet understand the many traditions and peculiarities of "The University." Included among these are "Eat a Gusburger" or "Don't sign up for 8 a.m.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.