The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890



Commending clear coverage, illuminating online issues

THIS WEEK I'm answering some of the numerous comments I received from readers in the last few weeks. The "Blizzard of 2000" One reader wrote to ask why The Cavalier Daily Web page poll referred to last week's snow as the "Blizzard of 2000." After all, our winter season is still in full force and, the reader noted, "Terms that are often used in the news media such as 'The Blizzard of 19XX' are usually assigned years later when they are examined in light of history. While it may seem more prudent to withhold titles like "Blizzard of 2000" until we're certain no competition exists in the wings, early pronouncements in the press are not out of the ordinary -- in fact, they're the rule.


Weak gun suits not bulletproof

A 10-YEAR-OLD boy was sentenced to probation and counseling Thursday for putting soap in his teacher's drinking water, months after the teacher filed charges that the boy attempted to murder him with the soap -- death by Dial.


Divided holiday honors distinct deeds

LAST MONDAY the Commonwealth of Virginia celebrated Lee-Jackson-King Day. The holiday was changed in 1985 -- before then, it was simply Lee-Jackson Day, honoring the two Virginians who were the South's top generals in the Civil War. By honoring three such contradictory heroes on the same day, the celebration of each individual's accomplishments is weakened.


Divided holiday honors distinct deeds

LAST MONDAY the Commonwealth of Virginia celebrated Lee-Jackson-King Day. The holiday was changed in 1985 -- before then, it was simply Lee-Jackson Day, honoring the two Virginians who were the South's top generals in the Civil War. By honoring three such contradictory heroes on the same day, the celebration of each individual's accomplishments is weakened.


Weak gun suits not bulletproof

A 10-YEAR-OLD boy was sentenced to probation and counseling Thursday for putting soap in his teacher's drinking water, months after the teacher filed charges that the boy attempted to murder him with the soap -- death by Dial.

Latest Podcast

Today, we sit down with both the president and treasurer of the Virginia women's club basketball team to discuss everything from making free throws to recent increased viewership in women's basketball.