NOVAK: Democrats are responsible for Trump, too
By Brendan Novak | October 6, 2016For Democrats, it’s time to face an uncomfortable truth
For Democrats, it’s time to face an uncomfortable truth
Trump may be a threat to the republic, but Clinton is worth believing in
It is time for the states to follow the U.S. government in rejecting a decades-long practice which has failed
Many students have a personal stake in what policies are in play with the next president
The University should not place the honors students on a special pedestal
Congress must put more resources into improving the FDA process of approving new products
Gary Johnson is unfit to be our next commander-in-chief
One should refrain from making judgments concerning the legality of the shooting until more information comes to light
Not only is the current public housing system way too expensive for the majority of those in need — it is largely ignored
5,880-7,110: The number of dollars on-Grounds housing options cost for the 2016-17 academic year
Let us stop dispensing grants and create endowments instead.
It is important for the international community to understand why the ceasefire agreement was almost bound to fail from the start
They fail to prepare students for the murky reality of sexual assault on Grounds
Canceling classes for Election Day will not make a big enough difference in young voter turnout to warrant doing so
By confining students to certain disciplines, the University is preventing the student body from realizing its potential.
Our latest honor should be celebrated, but this news should not allow us to become stagnant on the issue
Creativity is at its most potent when different styles meet
Subjecting state university budgeting to the whims of a governor sets a bad precedent
We often criticize the things and persons we love because we want some aspect of them to improve
We can all talk about terrorist attacks without showing their face