WYLES: We must deny space to bigoted prejudice on Grounds
By Bryce Wyles | January 19, 2021When we give space to prejudice, prejudice is bound to grow.
When we give space to prejudice, prejudice is bound to grow.
While financial aid does a good job of getting people in the doors, it does little to combat the inequality that exists amongst the lives of students at U.Va.
A group of peaceful human rights activists would probably be shot dead before they could even reach the doors, meanwhile a group of extremists made it far enough to take photos and leave notes at House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s desk.
With cases growing around the nation and in Charlottesville, the University must be even more prepared to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The University should respect their students’ ability to make personal decisions and thus reduce this requirement.
A simple detailing of the facts surrounding the Flynn case serves as a useful case study into how President Trump and Attorney General William Barr have managed to corrupt the administration of justice in the United States.
Jefferson’s idea of racial superiority came to evolve as the University did.
It is imperative that we change our behavior before placing more communities at risk.
Mandatory voting may sound scary, but what is much scarier is the current state of American democracy
For almost 73 million people to have voted for Trump is a troubling testament to the number of American citizens that are misinformed and easily swayed by a politician they idolize.
No matter the outcome, standing up for your principles disrupts the presumption of agreement so often assumed by bigots.
It is imperative that the University breaks this pattern of ignoring this shameful history.
I hope all queer and trans people rest assured that their identity is beautiful — it is the oppressors that possess the ugly.
RAs at the University are traditionally undercompensated, but the coronavirus pandemic has drastically increased the precarity of their circumstances.
To be a feminist, you must fight for the equality of women and use your power and position to further women’s rights.
This semester is extraordinary, necessitating nothing less than an extraordinary response from the University administration — a response it has failed to deliver thus far.
The abundance of low-paying Black positions exists in concurrence with a lack of Black held professor positions.
Anti-communist sentiments continue to reverberate in American politics lending a similar sentiment to the closely related polictical theory of socialism
The very event that established the American notion of We the People was one not of idleness.
If you’re considering going on birth control, now is the time to meet with your healthcare provider and discuss your options. Soon, access to both contraceptives and abortions may become severely limited.