SULLIVAN: Gov. Youngkin purges integrity from voter registration process
By Scarlett Sullivan | November 7, 2024Youngkin once again abandoned his duty to protect Virginian voters’ rights, setting a dangerous precedent for elections.
Youngkin once again abandoned his duty to protect Virginian voters’ rights, setting a dangerous precedent for elections.
Flipped class models fail to organize learning into these defined stages, instead overwhelming students with a large volume of content in a short span of time.
Do substandard Congressional candidates in Charlottesville and across the nation deserve our vote whilst delegitimizing the voting system?
Virginia voters have the power to reject hollow rhetoric and demand candidates who prioritize meaningful change over soundbites.
The FIRE statistics indicate that the University is home to self-censorship and intolerance of controversial speech.
UBE governs the main democratic avenue through which student candidates and voters can express their unique concerns about the University.
This change is a blatant way to identify struggling schools to parents and legislators, allowing both groups to avoid them like the plague.
The University must implement a mandatory first-year personal finance and literacy course to provide students with the necessary skills for college and thereafter.
Basing policy off of purely environmental concerns ignores reality and disregards economically sustainable solutions.
Students should be able to safely and peacefully demonstrate for causes they believe in without being driven away by the threat of violence and intimidation.
The University must do a better job building understanding by listening to the voices of those with firsthand knowledge.
We must, as the students of Jewish and Muslim communities, ensure that humanization, not hate, is the focal point of our interactions.
The Echols Scholars Program should require a limited amount of advanced general education requirements.
As such, the University must require more extensive language education in order to truly equip students to meet both the stated requirement goal and the linguistic and cultural demands of a globalized world.
The Virginian tax code as it stands is rather uninteresting. What is super intriguing is how politicians use it.
It’s a shame that our administration seems willing to sacrifice authenticity for ease.
Undeniably, having such barriers to entry for the University’s nightlife explicitly squashes fun.
As an institution responsible to University students and Virginia voters, the main qualification standard for Board appointment ought to be some personal connection to both these stakeholders.
Basically, if students are not saying what the University wants, then the University jumps to censorship. That does not sound like the makings of the best school in the nation for free speech.
We should all support policy that protects marginalized groups from further discrimination from government actions rooted in patriarchy and heteronormativity.