The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Alex Jospin

A yell for dear ol' U.Va.

As I stare at my blank page, it seems impossible to encapsulate college in a final column. I went from being a moody teenager -- who admittedly didn't really want to go here -- to a hopefully wiser 20-something with Wahoo spirit to spare. Would it be a cliché to say these have been the best four years of my life?

Spring fashion special

The buzzword this season is color. Bright primary colors on nails and toes, neon clothing and even jewel tones for eyeliner.

All you need is chocolate and alcohol

Valentine's Day is a funny kind of holiday. My guess would be that it originated from a secret conspiracy between Hallmark, Godiva and, although that would mean Dr. Phil has been alive forever.

Number one on Hillary's agenda

This is a campaign about change. We have a Mormon running, someone who thinks homosexuality is a choice and a biracial candidate who has admitted to using cocaine.

Rush disaster

In case you haven't noticed why so many first-year girls are looking lost and self-conscious in the Rugby/Madison/Chancellor area in the past few days, it's because sorority rush has descended upon us.

Hoo feels inadequate?

It never occurred to me that I'd end up at a school where I couldn't wear sweatpants to class without getting concerned looks.

Al Gore wins again

I realize I wrote my fall fashion column at the end of September, full of delightful combinations of trendy tights and boots.

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