YAHANDA: Something ventured, nothing gained
By Alex Yahanda | April 27, 2014Something essential will be lost when Stephen Colbert leaves “The Colbert Report” to host the “Late Show”
Something essential will be lost when Stephen Colbert leaves “The Colbert Report” to host the “Late Show”
The healthcare system should place patients’ well-being above all else. Sadly, when it comes to drug manufacturers, trying to reap additional profits can often supersede patient interests.
My decision to write for The Cavalier Daily has enriched my time at the University more than I thought it ever would. It has provided for a greater learning experience than I have found in any one class.
Bigotry is not excusable merely through appeals to religious freedom
Presidents should make tactful use of talk and comedy shows that have a large youth following
The Cavalier Daily has recently published some articles that have garnered an abnormally high number of responses.
Websites that post anonymous reviews of physicians do not help individuals make better healthcare decisions
Fraternities do not discriminate against minority students
Letting students establish a baseline attraction towards science without the pressure of a cutthroat science class may show some that science is fascinating and worth studying.
Individually suing Ross makes sense, but it is not necessary to blame Barry’s death on all 86 members of his fraternity.