The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Andrew Merson

Piecing paranormal into career

The old, white house on Wertland Street could be mistaken for another student-packed dwelling. But the small black sign with white letters that declares "Division of Personality Studies" reminds pedestrians that the building in is fact connected to the University in a different way.

Anti-pleasure principle

The green flyers placed around the Newcomb Hall Dining Room attracted students' eyes with their bright color at first, but their message would attract controversy as well: "Why are certain factions (the Catholic Church and feminists) engaged in an assault against things that make life pleasurable, such as: sex, romance, makeup, furs, jewelry, chocolate?" The flyer advertised "The Neo-Puritan Assault on Sex and Pleasure" with Dr. Gary Hull as lecturer, sponsored by the Objectivist Club Thursday night in Gilmer Hall. Objectivism is a philosophy emphasizing individual achievement, formulated by the author Ayn Rand in her 1943 book "The Fountainhead" and 1957 book "Atlas Shrugged." According to Hull, the basis of the philosophy's morality is reason. "I would say objectivism is a philosophy of reason, egoism and capitalism," said Dan Norton, third-year College student and Objectivist Club president.

Debunker at large

James Randi opened his presentation Saturday with a spectacular claim. "I'm going to perform miracles of a semi-religious nature," Randi said, drawing chuckles from the packed audience in the Chemistry Auditorium.

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