'Count of Monte Cristo:' Parlez-vous cliche?
By Atima Omara-Alwala | February 8, 2002I've known very few, and I do mean very few, films based on novels, particularly classic novels, that actually stay close to the book.
I've known very few, and I do mean very few, films based on novels, particularly classic novels, that actually stay close to the book.
The University has tried to implement new technology in all areas of academia, and the McIntire Music Department is no exception.
As Gov. James S. Gilmore III prepares for the last days of his term, he is working to tie up business lingering from the beginning of his four years in office. Gilmore announced Tuesday that Virginia will increase funding to Norfolk State University and Virginia State University by over $10 million during the next four years.
As the semester winds to a close, so does the Changing Face of Technology series sponsored by the University's Women's Center. The series originally developed from the Task Force on the Status of Women, which studied gender issues at the University.
Since the summer, gubernatorial candidates Mark Warner (D) and Mark Earley (R) have been gearing up for the Virginia elections on Nov.
With the possibility of an impending war, the members of University's Reserve Officers Training Corps program are reaffirming their ideals of service to their country. "This past week, I think I had a clearer understanding of what my grandfather felt when he heard that Pearl Harbor was attacked and went to enlist in the Army," said Brian Thomasson, a third year in the College and a cadet with the University's Air Force ROTC. For the commanding officers in the Army, Air Force and Navy programs, Sept.
Every year students attend late night meetings and those bogged down by the demands of classes, spend late hours in the libraries.
It's all in the way you wear it. The air brims with excitement. People shout above the blaring music.
Black women explored their role at the University and in the larger world this weekend as they examined how their race and gender are most powerfully articulated in society. The University's Black Women's Leadership Conference featured 12 distinguished panelists who addressed a group of about 40 females in the Minor Hall auditorium on Saturday. The panel of black women scholars, artists, and activists included Jacklyn Monk, managing editor of Vibe magazine; Angela Davis, assistant dean of students and director of Residence Life; English Prof.
In the 1950s, segregation began to be lifted not only in schools but in communities, making it possible for blacks and whites to attend the same schools.