The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Becky Krystal

One final spin around the writer's block

WHEN I was a kid, I had a secret belief that words and letters looked happy. Silly as that may sound, it probably would have been helpful to keep in mind those many nights in The Cavalier Daily office when it felt like another coherent sentence would never emit from my brain again.

Minor stress over major selection

ABOUT a year and a half ago, partly inspired, I believe, by my frenzied attempt to find direction for the rest of my life, I wrote a column advising students like me to be pro-active in the quest to declare a major.

No poster child for open discourse

OPERATION Iraqi Freedom has become a touchy issue for a lot of people. Both anti-war protestors and those who support the Bush administration make their voices known daily throughout the country.

Free speech foibles

When it rains, it pours. That certainly is the case at Virginia Tech, considering the apparent slash and burn meeting of its Board of Visitors that took place last week.

Lincoln in Dixieland

BLAME IT on Southern pride. Look at it as a slight resurgence of that "Southern aggression." Whatever the reason, though, a recent proposal to erect a statue of one of America's most hallowed presidents, Abraham Lincoln, in Richmond aggravated more than a few residents south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Deconstructing Hannukah

I HAVE a lot to thank Adam Sandler for -- besides such cinematic masterpieces as "Bulletproof" and "Little Nicky." With several versions of a little ditty called "The Hanukkah Song," Sandler has brought pop culture to Judaism.

Double means toil and trouble

I REMEMBER visiting Johns Hopkins University on my grand college tour of the East Coast. I remember thinking the dorms felt like army bunkers.

No free speech zones at WVU

DURING a first-season episode of "The West Wing," President Bartlet accidentally confuses the University with West Virginia University while questioning his daughter's new Secret Service agent.

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