BATSUKH: Stop doomsaying for the fall semester
By Bilge Batsukh | September 13, 2020By consigning the fall semester to failure, these prophets of doom have failed to realize the impact of their statements on the wider student body.
By consigning the fall semester to failure, these prophets of doom have failed to realize the impact of their statements on the wider student body.
With the evolution of both parties into an anti-trade stance, America will suffer increasingly dogmatic justifications for worse and more expensive goods.
Reducing the power of localities to cause housing shortages can only help Virginia.
Though the constitution of Virginia provides for the creation of local governments, it does not allow said governments to act as truly independent organizations.
I am disappointed, but not surprised by the Democrats' newly proposed legislative measures.
Support politicians who represent your values, in their own lives and in their official capacities.
Little could be worse than the previous SIS system at the University.
Refreshing, unified strains of conservative thought are the key to winning elections going forward, and must include support for marriage equality.
Eliminating Jefferson's birthday as a holiday is nothing more than virtue signaling.
The case to not add the question is expansive and supported by conservative and liberal stances alike.