The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Caroline Gecker

Talk girly to me

First utilized by musicians of the 1940s and popularized by hip-hop artists of the 1970s and ‘80s, sampling was nothing new when Gregg Gillis became Girl Talk in 2002.

National 'Anthem': Brian Fallon and company

The American music industry has not been kind to rock stars in the new millennium. Look no further than Maroon 5, who went from Songs About Jane to “Payphone” in seven years flat, to see that the most well-intentioned bands struggle in a world where candy-coated hooks out-chart blistering riffs every time.

Letter from the editors

Where did tableau go? Not to worry, readers: we’re still here, but we have decided it’s time for a permanent name change: the Arts & Entertainment section will now be called The-Section-Formerly-Known-As-tableau. Just kidding. We are now simply and straightforwardly “Arts & Entertainment.” This move is designed to increase the accessibility and visibility of our section because we believe that what we write about is important.

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