By Chris Wilson
August 23, 2003
Things change, obviously. And though it might seem as though moving into college is one of the few experiences which unites students across the generations, even this most momentous of days has evolved over time.For starters, Pat Lampkin, University vice president for student affairs, said the University has taken great strides in recent years to facilitate the acclimatization of new students to the University.
"Resident staff is absolutely focused on their adjustment," Lampkin said, citing summer orientation programs as one valuable tool which allows new students to get an early look at the Grounds.
Additionally, student greeters, typically in brazen neon T-shirts to distinguish themselves in a crowd, are on site at the dormitories to answer questions and make new students feel welcome.
The Move: then and now
One salient difference between the current generation of college-goers and their parents' generation is the experiences they bring to campuses.
"This generation is more traveled," Lampkin said.