FREED: Before embracing AI, Virginia schools need an update
By Dan Freed | 4 hours agoAdvocates saving AI a seat in the classroom are in desperate need of a reality check.
Advocates saving AI a seat in the classroom are in desperate need of a reality check.
Instead of relying on the expected benevolence of civilians, the City should take full responsibility for the clearing of sidewalks throughout the City.
At the University, considerable time and resources have been poured into ensuring that each move our school makes in relation to AI is properly informed.
If a class of 60 reaches even one student in need, it is worth it.
With well over half of all University students living off-Grounds, it is past time for the University to extend the blue light phone system.
Instead of running from it, why not use it? When used correctly, ChatGPT has the capability to be a revolutionary tool in the classroom.
While these actions are a necessary step given the circumstances, I was beyond disappointed by the lack of communication to the student body about this incident.
Recent Youngkin statements cast a shadow over emissions goals— it’s time to double down.
Having a tour for students to learn about the hidden history of the University is undoubtedly great progress, but ultimately is just a one hour window into what is the most complex issue facing the country at large.
The University administration needs to follow through on this commitment to change in earnest — and that means renaming Cabell Hall.