Information made easy
By David Infante | April 10, 2008PUBLISHED five days a week, The Cavalier Daily is an available and accessible source of news and commentary around Grounds.
PUBLISHED five days a week, The Cavalier Daily is an available and accessible source of news and commentary around Grounds.
AFTER the madness of St. Patrick's Day (and night) subsided, I began the thankless task of chipping away at work I had ignored.
WITH THE ambitious travel plans students make for spring break, it is no surprise that a lot of Virginia students spent some time on the interstate highway system this past week.
AS A TRANSFER student, I have encountered many factors that have hindered my adjustment to Virginia.
THE UNIVERSITY prides itself on the honor of its students, but beyond the basic tenets of honesty and academic integrity that come with any such code, I admit I am woefully unaware of the impact the Honor Committee has on the daily life of the University student.
IN A WORLD that's becoming increasingly "green," I often find myself fed up with the environmentally-motivated campaigns against convenience that are pushed on students and citizens alike.
LIKE MOST of us, I appreciate a good play on words. There is nothing wrong with a little innuendo from time to time, and even as most people roll their eyes in mock disgust, few things lighten a mood and get a chuckle as consistently as a corny pun.
I ONLY had about 20 minutes until my next class, and on the walk back from the AFC the other day, O-Hill seemed like a perfect option for a quick bite to eat.
BACK ON grounds after a delightful Winter Break, I've noticed an increasingly popular trend that has me at a loss.
AFTER the peaceful respite Thanksgiving afforded from the pell-mell pace of this past semester, I returned to Grounds with renewed steely resolve.