The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Eliza Haverstock

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If we’re going to be there anyways, we might as well give the Lawn one last farewell streak.
Graduates were only allowed to purchase three tickets for Final Exercises — one for themselves and two for guests.  
En lugar de la ceremonia de graduación tradicional, Ryan dijo que la Universidad está considerando dos alternativas, como celebrar eventos de graduación modificados esta primavera que involucran sólo los estudiantes graduados pero ningunos invitados, o posponer los eventos de graduación hasta una fecha futura cuando puedan asistir las familias así como los estudiantes.
Instead of the traditional graduation ceremony, Ryan said the University is considering two alternatives — holding modified graduation events this spring that involve only graduating students but no guests, or postponing graduation events to a future date when families can attend as well as students.
Due to the current progression of COVID-19, it seems unlikely that public health restrictions will allow for large gatherings by October.  
While the celebration marks the conclusion of the academic year, it is not a substitute for the traditional Final Exercises, which is tentatively scheduled to be held on Grounds from October 9 through 11.
The University announced Tuesday that Final Exercises would be canceled as currently planned due to the threat of coronavirus.
Listen to these songs that will make you regret all those times you wished the school year was over.
At Final Exercises on Saturday and Sunday, University President Teresa Sullivan delivered two commencement addresses.
The five-person Honor panel took questions from the audience during Monday night's town hall event.

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