The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Erald Kolasi

Examining experience

ABOUT two months out from the presidential election, Obama and McCain are on the verge of hitting full stride with their constant bickering and politicking.

A manipulated media

SUSPICIONS about the Bush Administration's secrecy and behind-the-scenes dealings have always been rampant, but now we have some concrete evidence that this government was seriously fiddling with the dissemination of information about the Iraq war.

The many-headed monster

LAST WEEK, the Take Back the Night program held a series of events to remember University sexual assault victims and to heighten awareness about these crimes.

Dangerous games

THE RECENT Tibetan protests in China have darkened the mood for the upcoming Olympics, by all standards regarded as a grand Chinese celebration of their achievements in recent decades.

Real intelligence in science

NEXT MONTH, the controversy surrounding creationism and evolution will get some additional attention from none other than Ben Stein, who will star in a new documentary called "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed." The documentary essentially proposes that the scientific establishment squashes all viewpoints that don't adhere to evolutionary biology -- academic censorship of sorts -- and that intelligent design (ID) deserves a fair shot in public school science curriculums.

All eyes on Kosovo

KOSOVO'S declaration of independence last Sunday setoff a cascade of congratulations, denunciations and general confusion.

How the other half lives

SOCIOECONOMIC diversity at the University has been a hotly debated issue in recent times, and last week candidates for Student Council held a question and answer forum about how to increase enrollment among low-income students who hope to attend the University.

Through the photographer's lens

LAST MONDAY, the Virginia Photography Club hosted an event with Associated Press photographer Steve Helber, who shared his experiences in the early stages of the Iraq war while on board the carrier USS Kitty Hawk.

Ready to rumble

THE MEDIA'S love affair with the Hillary-Obama slugfest is approaching the heights of total stupidity.

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