The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Eric Wang

A fond farewell

WHAT DO Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, Richard Nixon and yours truly have in common? No -- it's not that we're all crooks.

Breaking up Iraq

PRESIDENT Bush has been hop-scotching around the country over the past weeks to regain the public's support for the war in Iraq.

The true cost of higher education

EARLIER this month, Virginia's General Assembly passed HB 1478, which would require public colleges and universities in the Commonwealth to develop guidelines to combat the rising cost of textbooks.

A Golden Rule for immigration

AT THE national and state levels, America's immigration policies are coming to a head. Currently in Congress, there are proposals to completely fence off our Mexican border and to prosecute businesses and charities for employing and aiding illegal immigrants.

Democrats discharge

NOT SINCE Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton has a vice president taken so much flak for discharging a firearm.

Donors beware

EVEN WITH annual tuitions and fees approaching $40,000 at many institutions, colleges and universities are not losing any persistence at passing the hat.

A clash of civilizations

WHEN THE Cavalier Daily published a cartoon last semester that offended African-American students, the paper was met by vocal protests and demands for a discussion with the editor-in-chief.

The paradox of racial affiliation

THE RECENT passing of Coretta Scott King and Rosa Parks reminds us that collective action is as indispensable to social change as is the courageous leadership of a few.

Forgetful elephants

LEGEND has it that the GOP got its symbol from elephants' supposedly long memories. Just as many Republicans no longer recall what it is that they reputedly "never forget," some also fail to remember their core belief in limited government.

Reporting with care

LAST WEEK, the University unveiled a system for members of the community to report bias incidents via the Web or a list of designated administrators.

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