The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Erik Silk

Last will and testament

It's a bleak Sunday morning in Charlottesville, and I, Erik A. Silk, am a bit scared. Yeah. I'm not so much scared of not having a future, whether or not I should be.


On my most recent Spring Break, aboard a Carnival Cruise liner comprised of maybe 65 percent old people and 35 percent thirsty college students (fascinating social dynamic, I'll tell you about it later), I engaged in a lively debate with a young lady from North Carolina.

There's more?!

This time a year ago, I was somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, fresh out of Brazil's Carnaval and en route to South Africa, to date my favorite country that I have visited.

One day I went on the interweb

I recently had the good fortune to come across a new interweb service that is meant to cater primarily to college students, but also to dirty high schoolers and old-people!

Only 14 more days

So I was perusing my local newspaper and noted that the forecast called for snow. (This was of course far in the past, as this publication requires that we submit our columns several months before printing). I began to think, "Maybe I ought to write about how snow isn't the same now that school never gets canceled here," but that didn't work, for two reasons: 1.

Getting through 50 minutes

It was a worst-case scenario. The Sudoku was far easier than anticipated for the mid-week, leaving me with a solid 40 minutes of remaining class time.

B all that you can B

Second week of fifth grade, late 1996. New school, new teacher, nervous kid. Art/history assignment entailing creating your own personal sarcophagus.

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