PARTING SHOT: Learn something, would ya?
By Hailey Robbins | May 26, 2023But if I could do it all again, I would spend less time dwelling on my failures and more time recognizing the learning opportunities that they were.
But if I could do it all again, I would spend less time dwelling on my failures and more time recognizing the learning opportunities that they were.
If the Hoos really are against hazing, they must promote accountability and provide real, material consequences for perpetrators.
Following the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the need for laws to protect those who can become pregnant and those who can menstruate becomes imminently clear.
To label the MEL merely as “Instaworthy” and reduce it to an aesthetic object positioned to garner likes entirely ignores the deep history and meaning behind the memorial.
How can we take seriously an opinion that egregiously limits the rights of pregnant people to determine the fate of their own bodies and also contradicts itself?
The fast fashion industry cannot survive without its consumers — so I urge you to take a step back and reconsider your clothing choices.
Our world quite literally functions based on the diversity of perspectives and approaches of people with different skill sets.
Are application-based majors not restricting the free exchange of ideas and prohibiting the students who aren’t accepted from reaching their full potential?
If we are to remain in-person for the rest of the semester, it logically follows that we should have a backup plan for when students inevitably contract COVID-19.
Let’s extend this same open-mindedness to watching new sports and supporting teams we haven’t focused on before.