A Japanese international student’s take on postponing the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
By Jason Ono | March 24, 2020Most people in the world probably see 2020 as the year of the novel coronavirus outbreak — and this is no exception in Japan.
Most people in the world probably see 2020 as the year of the novel coronavirus outbreak — and this is no exception in Japan.
To some extent, I think it is valid that I now feel challenged by a piece of culture that I used to feel comfortable with.
Booths and performances highlighted different elements of Japanese culture, such as Teru-Teru Bozu and Kendama, to name a few.
I'm glad that I've been able to show my family — especially my grandparents — things that other people wouldn't have the chance to see in their home country.
My parents might live 7000 miles away from Charlottesville, but regardless, I'm confident that I will always stay in close touch with them, no matter where I go on the globe.
Because of my long-term commitment to learning English and applying it to my academics, I had nearly forgotten about a part of what makes me who I am.