The eerie ease of Shakey Graves
By Joanna Ashley Clark | November 15, 2021Hailing from Austin, Texas, Rose-Garcia brought along fellow Austin musicians Sun June to open.
Hailing from Austin, Texas, Rose-Garcia brought along fellow Austin musicians Sun June to open.
Last year FYP put on a filmed production of "Singin' in the Rain," and this year, they are diving back into the world of in-person performance with the mystery musical comedy, "Curtains."
The reinterpretations of Greek myth — now feminist, queer and unflinching — are not shying away from the reality of human struggle.
Charles takes her time with her words, ensuring that each and every one is held, while still maintaining a boundary between herself, the work and the audience.
The 12-track record is by no means mindless background music — "Little Oblivions" demands the attention of the listener.
While Webkinz is not necessarily the highest art form, it is most definitely the best form of entertainment you can find in this age without concerts, movies or art shows.
Girmay speaks in music. There is no way to listen to or read her poems and not immediately be wrapped within a world of promise, heartache, longing and loss.
Moments of blissful and tragic hope are what drive the film and its plot, but what makes the film are the details.
How do you cope with not loving your favorite band’s new album?
In almost every song you can find a moment where Howard says “I am” followed by some poetic, yet straightforward understanding of her own identity.