ARNOLD: Don’t cut high school sports
By Jordan Arnold | March 13, 2017The intensity of sports culture in American high-schools sets the U.S. apart from most of its peers around the world.
The intensity of sports culture in American high-schools sets the U.S. apart from most of its peers around the world.
The push for redistricting reform has come to a close for the 2017 session of the Virginia General Assembly.
The hesitancy on the part of service providers is reasonable since, often, the population density in rural areas is simply not high enough to justify expansion to those areas.
A state-sponsored study of legalization should be our first step
When students opt to leave resource-poor schools, those institutions lose valuable funds
Standardized tests are necessary to hold the public education system accountable to all
Computer science is a worthwhile departure from classes you might otherwise take
People deserve the chance to define themselves on their own terms
Thematic similarities between horror movies and the Trump campaign are worth exploring
The UJC should endeavor to become more transparent