The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Kristin Brown

Well-learned lessons

DAVE BARRY once wrote, "College is basically a bunch of rooms where you sit for roughly two thousand hours and try to memorize things." I've decided that this is mostly true.

Ongoing fight for victims'rights

TWO WEEKS ago, University students lined the sidewalks by Garrett Hall and the Amphitheater in silent protest against sexual assault -- and the University's asinine way of handling it. The University's sexual assault policy had been discussed recently in the media, most notably in a revealing article in The Hook about Annie Hylton, a University student fighting the University's procedures, and the flaws in the policy. Yet, it was perhaps this eerily powerful demonstration, consisting of hundreds of students, that finally pierced the hearts of our administrators. The administration is often criticized for its slow response to some issues or sometimes accused of ignoring them completely.

Scheduling by seniority

IT'S THAT time again -- time to register for classes. Which means, it's also time for another opinion column bemoaning priority registration for Echols scholars. This week many of my fellow fourth years have probably watched as that one class -- a seminar, perhaps, or a small, popular upper-level class or even a class needed for graduation -- was filled within the first few hours of registration.

The United States of Morality

DO YOU hear that? It's the sound of thousands of liberals across America scratching their heads, wondering where they went wrong. Last Tuesday's re-election of President Bush clearly came as a shock to many liberals, as indicated by the waves of still-stunned Democratic commentators in both print and on television -- not to mention the collection of angry away messages posted by nearly every liberal student at the University in the past week. NBC conducted a survey during exit polls that asked voters to identify the most important issue, to them, in this election.The economy, terrorism, Iraq and health care all followed behind the number one issue: "moral values." Moral Values?

Re-elect Bush

VOTE FOR George W. Bush. Why, you ask? I think the reasons might take up the entire Opinion page, but alas, I am only allowed 700 words with which to spread my conservative propaganda. John Kerry, along with the many rampant Bush-haters out there, talks a lot about what Bush should have done during the past four years.

Privacy for political families

GUESS WHAT. Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. Let me repeat it just in case you didn't hear it the first time: Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter. It's OK, though, because even though he's an evil corporate Republican backing a president who's out to demolish any prospects of gay marriage, I'm sure he still loves her.

Smart movie move on Sept. 11

THE LAST time I wrote a column about Sept. 11, I was pretty angry. This time around, you'll be happy to know, that is not the case. Although it was originally scheduled, the University Programs Council's Cinematheque opted not to show the controversial "Fahrenheit 9/11" at Newcomb Theatre on Sept.

Out of the comfort zone

LAST SUNDAY, I did something I had never done before. I went to an event sponsored by the Office of African-American Affairs.

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