Model students: Haley Plotner
By Kristin Ulmer | December 4, 2012_Haley Plotner Class of 2014 Major: Commerce- Marketing & IT_
_Haley Plotner Class of 2014 Major: Commerce- Marketing & IT_
What’s your favorite item in the closet? I have this amazing grey sweater that’s chunky with braided material on the arms from some thrift store in Staunton.
Most college students look forward to summer vacation as a chance to escape from the stress of school, but as fourth-year Commerce students headed to work on Wall Street this summer, they knew they had their work cut out for them. Working as interns in the sales and trading sector of the financial market, fourth-year Commerce students Andrew Colberg and Jake Davies woke before the sun rose so they could be in the office at 5:30 a.m., before the markets opened.
For many students, the call of the open road often remains just that, a call. But for fourth-year College students Margaret Montague and Abigail Lee, the dream of a cross-country road trip became a reality this summer. Last spring, Montague and Lee were awarded the Ingrassia Family Echols Scholars Research Grant, which provides funding for students to conduct a research project in a field of their interest. Typically recipients are students who put the research funding toward their fourth-year capstone project
A couple weeks ago for my best friend's birthday we went out to a restaurant, and she was ecstatic to finally have the chance to wear a brand new, sleek black dress she had ordered from Victoria's Secret.
Whenever I pull out my fashion magazines to show my mom the latest trend that I'm dying to have, she always rolls her eyes and laughs.
It's that time of year again, when every girl begins the hunt for the perfect bathing suit, and finding one is no easy task.
Flipping through the pages of Vogue the other day, I noticed an ad with a bright pink background featuring Katy Perry wearing a pink and purple spandex cat suit promoting the fragrance "Purr-fect." How much did they pay her to wear that?
Ever since middle school, I have been the family fashionista, much to my mother's dismay. Every morning she would sigh with impatience and roll her eyes in frustration, as she reminded me for the third time that I better hurry up or else I would miss the bus.
Undoubtedly, every sport has its own culture, and along with it comes an implicit dress code, which all members subscribe to in varying degrees.