The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Laura Good

Walkout protesters cause class disruptions

Protestors rallying Thursday against military action in Iraq incited debate in the University community when a number of participants decided to take their demonstration indoors, marching through the hallways of Cabell Hall. Between 20 and 30 people broke from the protest on the Lawn and proceeded to walk the halls of Cabell while classes were in session, reportedly chanting and banging on doors, according to several students in class at the time. Students walked out of classes as part of an event organized by the Anti-War Coalition, Citizens Against Global Exploitation and Food Not Bombs.

Ski Support

Before the sun had even peaked over the mountains on the morning of Feb. 23, Madison House volunteers were congregating in the Architecture school parking lot for the one-hour caravan ride to Massanutten Ski Resort.

Fruits of Labor

A "Now Open!" sign hangs in front of the Harris Teeter in the Barracks Road Shopping Center. Colorful balloons fly throughout the checkout area in the front of the store.

Bill to guarantee top percentile students university admission

Virginia State Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple presented a bill to the General Assembly on Jan. 8 that would guarantee college admission to the top 5 percent of graduating Virginia high school students. Whipple's bill is modeled after the "Top 10 Percent Law" passed in Texas in 1997.

Drop in to slim down

Those Weight Watchers points just don't seem like enough. Slim Fast shakes are not nearly as appetizing as Fresh ns Smoothies.

A festival of lights, and eight crazy nights

When Adam Sandler's famous Hanukkah songs begin to fill the radio airways, students can be sure that the Festival of Lights has begun. For Jewish students at the University, Hanukkah represents a time of spirituality, reflection and celebration. Hanukkah began last Friday, and students will light the last candle on their menorahs at the end of this week. Around 200 B.C., after driving away the Greek soldiers who had taken over their city, the Maccabees wanted to rededicate their temple.

A tale of two Thanksgivings

A fire blazes in the fireplace while family members sit around the television, watching the football game and reminiscing about the good old days.

Rotunda Stop...

Bill Cogswell Assistant Manager Q: What is the best selling item that you have in the store? A: Probably our garment-dyed T-shirts.

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