The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Lexie Stadler

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Indivisible mantiene capítulos nacionales en todo el país con el propósito de preservar la democracia contra la agenda de Trump.
Indivisible maintains national chapters throughout the U.S. with the goal of preserving democracy against Trump’s agenda.
Under the current system, students' intent to submit an IR is often unclear, and they are able to wait the full 10-day period without making a decision.
The Committee also discussed ideas for “finals pushes” — events and giveaways to support students during finals.
The Committee’s current absenteeism policy falls under its “Code of Ethics,” which outlines the expected ethical conduct for all members and support officers.
International students have historically been over-represented in Honor cases, and can also face visa issues should stricter sanctions including suspension or expulsion be issued.
These changes were proposed by the Sanctioning Working Group, a group tasked with developing new sanctions and sanctioning procedures.
For non-school periods, the Committee pauses case-proceedings by default, unless continued processing is requested by the accused student and there are support officers available to staff the case.
Howard introduced the “guest speaker” period for public sessions to operate in conjunction with the current public comment procedure.
Simran Havaldar, chair of the FAC and fourth-year Commerce Rep., plans to organize an “AI lunch and learn,” involving a host of professors to serve as panelists.

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