The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Lindsay Lian

Email Lindsay Lian

Despite challenges and nerves, students say taking a break from formal education led to a newfound realization of their passions, preparing them for college and life beyond. 

Minding the gap year experience

Many gap-year students initially have doubts about taking a year off from school, but the experience was worthwhile for these four University students.  

As long as 7 Day Junior remains open, Patel will continue to spread kindness and encourage people to do good deeds for each other. 

7 Day Harry is for the people

Patel greets passersby on the Corner with lively conversations and a familiar smile, nurturing a sense of community with students that extends far beyond his store.

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One way PCS honors those fighting for freedom in Iran is through the tradition of the all girls dance — this year, it was performed by five women in PCS’s Nowruz celebration.

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