The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Luke Ryan

Packing up home life, moving on

TOMORROW the move is official. A couple signatures, a handshake or two and my parents will finally put to bed weeks of quiet anxiety and a final couple days of furious packing.

Pressed for integrity

A COUPLE of weeks ago many of the major reputable news sources of this country found themselves in a rather embarrassing game of limbo with much of the American public standing idly by wondering, "How low can they really go?" The lure of a story about President Bush's underage twin daughters attempting to purchase alcohol at a local Austin, Texas restaurant using a fake ID was more than most editors and anchormen could resist.

Giving a hand to those who help others

AS I SAT on the floor of my room earlier this week, my back supported by an old dusty couch and my mind comfortably on cruise control, I thought about the columns I'd written this year and what they had attempted to accomplish.

Considering present gift problem

IF WORDS had a texture, "no" would be sandpaper - coarse, spike-adorned sandpaper. Fourth years shouldn't say "no" to the class gift. As adults, we've realized through experience the power "no" can convey, but even little children recognize its abrasive nature as they torment their parents behind two-year old giggling.

Don't excuse athlete dropouts

A COMPLETE college education is an experience that should never be skipped over. The primary goal of any university or institution of higher learning is an education -- that's a given.

Funding Ethernet creates vital connection

MONDAY'S lead editorial, "Disconnect Ethernet subsidies," wrongly attacked the University administration for helping fraternity and sorority organizations pay for the installation of expensive high-speed Ethernet service. The administration and the Inter-Fraternity and Inter-Sorority Councils should be commended for reaching a fair and beneficial agreement last semester to supplement two-thirds of the Ethernet installation cost with University funds.

Turnout leaves room for improvement

WELL, THE people have spoken. When less than half choose to do so, what comes out is more whisper than roar. It feels a bit redundant to complain about low levels of student activism in the Student Council spring elections now, after the polls have already closed and the results are in.

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