A return to courtship
By Mark Jensen | April 26, 2002IT'S THE classic love story. Boy meets girl, they flirt and get to know each other, they start to date, and then after a while they break up.
IT'S THE classic love story. Boy meets girl, they flirt and get to know each other, they start to date, and then after a while they break up.
IMAGINE someone who has run for Honor, University Judiciary Committee and class representative, and lost three times.
YOU DON'T have to live at the University for long before you see that drinking, for better or worse, is a cornerstone of University life.
In an effort to enrich the University's fine arts community, Student Council plans to set up new lighting systems at the amphitheater and the Student Activities Building. Funding for the project will come from class contributions, a donation from Newcomb Hall and the University Bookstore surplus. "Our emphasis is to save students money and encourage a high level of programming in spaces that have been previously unavailable," Student Council President Abby Fifer said.
"This year we're trying to do what we say. It is a gradual process to make the IFC look more legitimate," said Rush Chairman Steve Bowman on the Inter-Fraternity Council's new rush policies for spring 2002.