SLAVEN: Taking stock of the 124th managing board
By Michael Slaven | January 24, 2014The 124th staff, and in particular the managing board which is now leaving office, have not done things the way things have always been done.
The 124th staff, and in particular the managing board which is now leaving office, have not done things the way things have always been done.
Like all University alumni I know, I was very happy on Tuesday to see the Board of Visitors reinstate President Teresa Sullivan.
David Shreve spent years listening to Lyndon Johnson. As an economic historian studying presidential recordings, Shreve had a front-row seat to the Johnson White House, studying tape recordings of the 36th president's conversations with activists, congressmen and bureaucrats.
A FEW MONTHS ago, a respected professor approached me and asked me to tell him the main editorial advocacy of our Managing Board.
WHEN THE class of 2008 moved into first-year dorms just a year ago, things at the University were different.
I PROBABLY should not have to tell anyone that things are usally more complicated than they at first seem, but that is a lesson students should learn during their first year the University of Virginia.
THE VIRGINIA governor's race has been called the country's most-watched election this year. But now is it becoming clear just what those watchers are starting to see: gay-baiting. So, Jerry Kilgore has a "gay-sounding" voice.
ONE OF the more interesting fallouts from the recent election season barely concerns President Bush or the ambitious second-term agenda that is dominating Washington's pockets of power.
THE EXODUS continues from the Bush administration. Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge announced Nov.