Life is calling, but you’re busy on Facebook
By Olivia Beavers | November 12, 2013I am the product of a technology boom. It defines my generation and by association, I am now scared it defines me.
I am the product of a technology boom. It defines my generation and by association, I am now scared it defines me.
Plato once said, “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Having spent the past weeks trying to increase civic engagement and register students to vote, I’ve seen this quote moving toward becoming a reality.
There is no comparison to the horror women face as they get lost in New Cabell looking for a female lavatory.
Alcohol has a mysterious way of transforming the bubbling beauty you sit with in chemistry into an undesirable, non-mythical, sometimes-animalistic drunkard.
I live in a beautiful brick house on Wertland Street — a house you or a friend probably once mistook as a fraternity satellite house, or maybe just the house with the bushes where your red cup landed during block party.