The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Steph Shaw

Keeping women safe

WITHOUT fail, every year a piece of legislation is introduced during the Virginia General Assembly session endearingly dubbed the "TRAP" bill, or Target Regulations for Abortion Providers.

AIDS across the world and in our community

IF THERE is one thing University students are good at, it is rallying around a cause. From the recent upsurge of support for the living wage campaign to the slew of natural disasters in the past year both here and abroad, students have stepped up with the typical benefit concerts, fund raisers and care packages.

AIDS across the world and in our community

IF THERE is one thing University students are good at, it is rallying around a cause. From the recent upsurge of support for the living wage campaign to the slew of natural disasters in the past year both here and abroad, students have stepped up with the typical benefit concerts, fund raisers and care packages.

Wellness with adjustment

WE ALL heard the story and followed the media frenzy surrounding the so-called "Runaway Bride." Whether you think that Jennifer Wilbanks is a spoiled southern belle looking for attention or not, one fact, which was not revealed until her interview with Katie Couric, remains: Her decision to do the "running" was between a bus ticket and a bottle of pills, indicative of serious underlying emotional distress.

Sensible sex ed

AMONG other progressive leaders in Congress, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been a top advocate for a bipartisan bill aimed at reducing the need for abortions by putting "prevention first." She was recently criticized by Tony Perkins of the conservative Family Research Council.

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