The Cavalier Daily
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Stratton Marsh

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Under the new framework, every first-year student’s advisor will be an advising professional or a faculty member who has undergone specific advising training.
Davis said that 80 percent of the funds the University receives from tuition or the state of Virginia goes to supporting its academic programs.
The meeting will conclude with a public comment session and only those who register ahead of time may comment.
Shortcomings with the undergraduate advising system were discussed at the meeting.
Discussion was mainly focused on the University's 2022 Major Capital Plan 
Youngkin appointed Ellis to the Board July 1 alongside three other new members.
Student and faculty leaders — such as the Student Council Executive Board, Student Council representative body, University Democrats and Faculty Senate — have remained consistent in their opposition to Ellis’ appointment.
Additionally, the requirement has the potential to produce graduates less prepared to take on a career, as it limits students from taking classes related to their major. 
In his new position, Shuve has already worked extensively on welcoming activities geared towards incoming first-year students in the Echols program. 
As of Aug. 19, the University has raised roughly $4 billion, which accounts for 86 percent of the campaign goal. 

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