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Tamar Ziff

ZIFF: Unseen or obscene

Characterizing an independent woman as necessarily lewd is not a step up from characterizing her as nonexistent

ZIFF: Rationalizing Honor

An honor code should not be a cumbersome and untouchable “patrimony” or “tradition,” but a complement to the way in which we would like to live our lives on Grounds.

​ZIFF: American terrorists

The word “terrorism” holds a rhetorical weight in current discourse that “mass shooting” or “gun violence” seems to lack, perhaps because of how weapons and violence are normalized in American culture, or due to the simple fact that they happen all the time.

​ZIFF: Filtering atrocity

What’s fascinating and strange is why people with little or no connection to France but for a brief sightseeing jaunt were so eager to somehow respond to the tragedy.

ZIFF: Requiem for a Zionist dream

The current Israeli administration — and, arguably, every administration since Yitzhak Rabin’s prematurely curtailed administration in the mid-1990s — advocates on behalf of the former, i.e., the preeminence of Israel’s Jewish character above all other things.

​ZIFF: Feeling unqualified

Our obsession with productivity is exacerbated by the advent of digital technology and the mechanization of menial labor, which ostensibly allows for more time to produce important things but really just makes products of human labor intangible and therefore unsatisfying.

​ZIFF: Stop binge-reading

There is a considerable amount of crap produced in the publish-or-perish hyperactive anxiety of online journalism, that humming gerbil wheel of digital production. This absence of time online allows for the pervasiveness of the nerve-wracking “in case you missed it” or ICYMI section, where articles from past days or weeks are featured.

A screenshot of Google Fortunetelling, a website imitating Google to raise awareness about refugees.

ZIFF: Why should we care about migrants?

President Obama announced plans to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees to — minimally — mitigate the mounting pressure on European nations; as a symbolic gesture, it should suffice. Why should we continue to care?

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