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Tanner Kissler

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The incidents were reported near Virginia Ave and 13th and John St.
William Antholis, director of the Miller Center, moderated the discussion with panelists Philip Potter, associate professor specializing in foreign policy and international relations, and Allan Stam, professor of public policy and politics.
In the fall, Center for Politics interns premiered the “Common Grounds” documentary, with 250 attendees watching the showing in the Rotunda Dome Room
这是开学以来第一次社区警报,却是本月的第二次。此前,1月14日,Ivy Road一家7-11便利店的停车场发生了一起抢劫案。
This is the first community alert since the semester started but the second of this month, following a robbery reported Jan. 14 in a 7-11 convenience store parking lot on Ivy Road. 
Following the screening, the group of filmmakers held a panel to discuss the film and its implications on political discourse in a free democracy.
After gaining years of culinary experience in Charlottesville, Rochester is finally creating a place of his own, bringing an authentic Philadelphia eating experience to his new hometown.
After gaining years of culinary experience in Charlottesville, Rochester is finally creating a place of his own, bringing an authentic Philadelphia eating experience to his new hometown.

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