The Cavalier Daily
Serving the University Community Since 1890

Whitney Blake

Reconsidering our priorities

WITH GAS prices soaring over three dollars gallon, the headlines "pain at the pump" have been broadcasted ad nauseam and Democrats have placed the blame for the high prices squarely on the shoulders of President Bush and former Exxon CEO Lee Raymond (who just received a $400 million retirement package). What is lacking is recognition of the complexity of the current conditions and the many sources of the conundrum, including Democrats and extreme environmentalists.

Dubious disenfranchisement

WORDS SUCH as "disenfranchisement" and "fraud" have become synonymous with elections. Unfortunately, there's a double standard in the actions of civil rights leaders -- it all depends on which group is allegedly being disenfranchised.

A campaign of rhetoric

IT HAS become ubiquitous:"$10.72! $10.72!" We've heard it shouted and repeated on the Lawn the past few weeks and seen it plastered around Grounds on flyers and in chalk.

A common privilege

WHAT COMES to mind when you hear the word "privilege?" We hear it all the time, but we often fail to stop and ponder its true meaning.

The house diversity built

OLD DORMS vs. New Dorms: the age-old quintessential University debate that hits incoming first-year students head on when they have to check off "Alderman" or "McCormick" on the housing form.

The house diversity built

OLD DORMS vs. New Dorms: the age-old quintessential University debate that hits incoming first-year students head on when they have to check off "Alderman" or "McCormick" on the housing form.

Ending neo-con stereotypes

BLACK NEO-CONSERVATIVES want to "undermine and undo the civil right movement." Such a statement was just one of the many conclusions presented at a lecture titled "Inciting the Counter-Revolution: Race and Black Neo-conservatism in the Post-Civil Rights Era." LaTasha Levy, a 2000 College graduate, is currently writing her master's thesis on the topic at Cornell University's African Studies and Research Center.

A new environmentalism

"HEARTLESS capitalists (i.e. lumber companies) are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 2 football fields an hour." We've all been told some variation of this statistic since elementary school.

Learning without bias

CONSERVATIVES contend that institutions of higher learning remain one of the last strongholds of the left, and the influence of professors on impressionable students cannot be underestimated.

A political odd couple

WHEN FACTIONS at the opposite ends of the political spectrum join forces to promote an issue, one can't help but take notice.

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